
God alone is the decider

About 4 months ago I had an appointment with a urologist because I had a frequent urge to urinate and my PSA level was elevated (2.0). About 4 weeks ago I went back to the urologist for a check-up. To my horror, the PSA value had quadrupled to 8.0: suspected prostate cancer. Nobody can use that, but I don't have time for a thousand radiotherapy sessions with side effects. I had someone pray for...

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Pancreatic cancer – the tumor has regressed 100%

At the beginning of January, my husband found out that he had pancreatic cancer. An friend told us about the healing services at Glory Life. We attended a wonderful service there in April. Wonderful people prayed personally for my husband and our family. Strengthened, we drove home to Mainz. We were immediately sure that we were being helped. In the following weeks, my husband underwent...

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Healed from skin cancer!

A few months ago I prayed together with my brother-in-law’s sister who was suffering with Melanoma. I told her to believe that Jesus has already done everything for her and that the cancer must leave her. It wasn’t a long prayer and I encouraged her to believe that the cancer would go. Over Christmas I saw her again and she enthusiastically told me that the prayer had been heard and that the...

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Healed from inoperable cancer of the larynx and neighbor healed from Parkinson symptoms!

At the beginning of March a client of ours received the news – “We can relieve your pain but we can’t help you with regard to the cancer of the larynx and it’s inoperable – you will eventually suffocate!” At a Sunday service we put a scarf in the basket with the healing cloths and in the afternoon we visited the man. We convinced him that the healing power of God was stored in the scarf...

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Man with terminal cancer healed!

Three weeks ago my mother told me about a man with terminal cancer who lived in Frankfurt – he had metastasis in his whole body and was in terrible pain. The doctors could do no more for him except give him painkillers and had given him 6 months to live. Just before my holiday I called this man from Stuttgart Airport, broke the death sentence over him in the name of Jesus, and prayed for...

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Metastases disappear and other healings occur in the environment of a co-worker!

My colleague’s mother had cancer of the bladder and was scheduled for an operation at the end of February. I suggested that she brings a cloth or scarf from her mother so that I could take it with to the Miracle Weekend in Stuttgart with Jeff Jansen. I laid the cloth in the basket on Saturday at 3 p.m. and a reaction started then with this mother. Until the mother received the cloth on the...

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Healed of cancer

Dear George, Before you went on holiday you prayed with me for my cousin. She had aggressive breast cancer and they wanted to amputate her breast. However, Jutta wanted to first try chemo. She asked me to pray for her and I prayed together with Irme. After a few infusions she had to stop the chemo because otherwise she would have suffered brain damage.  An operation was then planned and you then...

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Healed from cervical cancer

A School of Supernatural Life participant reports:  Dear George and Irina, Today I wish to briefly tell you that a long-time friend of mine visited me and casually told me that the cervical cancer she had is gone. When she had visited me 3 weeks ago she told me about the diagnosis as though she had a bad cold. She explained that she would need an operation to cut it out. Funnily I also just took...

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An infected wound closes supernaturally – a man is healed from multiple cancerous tumors

DruckenE-MailI wish to give testimony about two answers to prayer as a result of the Glory Life School teaching “100 % Answer to Prayer” by Irina.  The first is to do with a friend who was operated on the knee and received an artificial joint. The wound festered. He had been operated on again twice and the date for a third operation had been made. I prayed for him and I could see his wound...

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I received a new life and colon cancer disappears

Dear Glory Life Team, I wish to testify about 2 mighty miracles. After a Glory House day two of us visited a lady in hospital with leukemia and kidney failure. She had to go on the dialysis daily and had been bedridden for months. She received Jesus as Lord and she is now walking again after prayer. The lady has recovered so well that they have discharged her from hospital to go to a rehab...

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Lady completely healed from colon cancer with metastases

In February I visited a lady with my mother. She is 33 years old and had received the diagnosis that she had colon cancer. Metastases had already spread in her body and in her lungs.  During the visitI testified how God had healed me a few years ago from terminal Morbus Sudeck. She was moved to tears when I told her. We prayed for her and set free the complete healing from cancer. The doctors...

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