Personal miracle reports

Pancreatic cancer – the tumor has regressed 100%

3. November 2023

At the beginning of January, my husband found out that he had pancreatic cancer. An friend told us about the healing services at Glory Life. We attended a wonderful service there in April. Wonderful people prayed personally for my husband and our family. Strengthened, we drove home to Mainz. We were immediately sure that we were being helped. In the following weeks, my husband underwent chemotherapy, which only works in 50% of patients. According to the doctor, however, the effectiveness of chemotherapy can only be accurately assessed after an operation. After 6 cycles, the operation followed.
The doctors were amazed, the tumor had regressed 100%. A miracle for us!
To be on the safe side, the doctors recommended radiotherapy. We are full of gratitude for the result of our visit to Glory Life. God helped us to find the right doctors and the right therapy. Attending the service was the game changer for the disease.


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