
Word of knowledge: freed from knee pain

Dear ones, last Sunday during worship a word of knowledge for knee problems came up. Since I had already prayed about it a few months ago (the pain was less, but I was not 100% pain free), I continued to place myself on the accomplished victory and did not report. A healing servant, who knew about it, got the impulse to ask me if the legs were the same length. She checked this and...

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Locomotor system is back in divine order and worries disappear  

Dear congregation,  in the special healing service last Saturday my aching knee was healed - but not only that: Pastor George also prayed for my locomotor system to come into divine order. I can walk upright again and my hollow back has straightened. It is a joy for me to walk again. Every now and then the fear of pain came back. On Thursday, I had pain all over my body at night. When I woke up...

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free from pain at the livestream

I had bumped my knee before Christmas and had pain kneeling on it. I watched the healing service on 10 April 2022. And the pain is gone, I can kneel again without pain. God is good, there are still several things and I know and trust that God is doing everything well. Like Pastor George said, God has thoughts of peace upon us, he has good thoughts. For his thoughts are not ours, I thank the Lord...

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Immediate healing and further healing process initiated 

During the Healing Seminar at the Easter Conference "Alive" in Winterthur, Pastor Georg Karl asked who had something wrong with their hip. I came forward, some others too, and was surprised that Pastor Georg pulled me out. He spoke of how God can turn artificial joints back into bone, but that HE can also adjust the artificial joints to function as if they were natural. Pastor George only...

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Knee healed by prayer on the phone hotline 

I had already been suffering from bad pain in my knees for a year. On the basis of the X-rays, a deformity was determined and the doctor told me that only an operation or a new knee could provide relief. The whole year I took painkillers day and night. On Sundays after the church service, I had someone pray for me on the healing phone. The pain disappeared immediately, full mobility and...

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Knee accidently healed!

At the last Miracle Weekend Pastor Georg preached that all matter is made up of tiny sound particles and that this has also been proved by the scientists. God spoke (sound) and it was! In the process Pastor Georg used me as an example and spoke out healing for my left knee. What he didn’t know is that I had injured this knee whilst cycling on our last summer holiday and I had since then had lots...

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A man in my class at the school for further training is healed from back and knee problems so that he no longer needs an operation!

The following happened a few days ago. A 26 year old classmate had a motor car accident three weeks ago whereby his kneecap was shattered and he never came to school for a week. When I heard about the accident a voice within me said, “This case is for me, broken knees are not a problem”. And then the day arrived when he came limping into school. He came again the next day and kept holding his...

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Working colleague healed from acute knee pain

I had lunch with my colleague yesterday. He complained about acute pain in his knee. I laid my hands on it and prayed in the Name of Jesus for complete healing. At the beginning of prayer I couldn’t feel the Power and then suddenly I felt something in his knee move! My colleague tested his leg thoroughly and could feel no more pain. He was overjoyed!!!! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!   T.P.

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Glory of God in a convalescent home

Dear George, Dear Irina, Dear Team, We come from Hamburg and have often visited your services. We live in a convalescent home with mentally ill women. We are experiencing the Glory of God more and more in our home. A lady accepted Jesus and many have an open ear. We’ve also witnessed to many healings. A lady had acute knee pain and had been to see the doctor often who also prescribed a MRT. On...

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Months of knee and back pain disappear and lady can walk normally again

(From a participant of the School of Supernatural Life). Hello Pastor George, Last week I spoke to a lady on the phone and we had a good talk. She then told me that since October she has been suffering with acute pain in the knee and backache, and could no longer walk properly. She had twisted her body and knee as she got into the car. I asked if I could pray for her on the phone. I told her to...

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Pain in the knee disappears after the laying on of hands

Dear Pastor Georg, I was busy in my office and I needed something in the garage which is quite a way away. I was feeling lazy and didn’t really want to go. However, as I reached the garage I saw a neighbor taking out a tree stump. We began to chat and he told me that he has a crack in the knee cap which causes him continual pain. I began to tell him about the power of Jesus which heals...

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