Personal miracle reports

A man in my class at the school for further training is healed from back and knee problems so that he no longer needs an operation!

30. April 2021

The following happened a few days ago. A 26 year old classmate had a motor car accident three weeks ago whereby his kneecap was shattered and he never came to school for a week. When I heard about the accident a voice within me said, “This case is for me, broken knees are not a problem”. And then the day arrived when he came limping into school. He came again the next day and kept holding his back. I said to Jesus that if he wants us to heal him then I want to be alone with him and not have the others around. It was unbelievable because when I put my pen down to go into break I saw that I was alone in the classroom with Jonas! The other 20 pupils and the teacher were nowhere around. I walked over to him and asked if he had back pain. He said yes and that it was the reason why he had gone home earlier the previous day because he couldn’t sit. Whilst asking him if I could pray for him because Jesus had said that if we lay hands on the sick they will get well I put my hand on his back and spoke out God’s order of creation for his back and body. He thanked me and I gave him an invitation to our church and during this time together no one disturbed us!!! As he walked away I told him that Jesus will heal his knee as well.
The following day he was beaming – his back pain was gone and he at last had had a good night’s sleep. He takes care of 10 problem children in a private children’s home.
About 3 days later he danced with no problems during a game in the Music period. The following day I asked him if his knee was better and he said that the doctor had examined him yesterday, everything is fine and that he no longer needs and operation!!! Thank you Jesus!!! ‘

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