
Time reduction miracle – testicle tumor disappears – lump disappears

Dears Pastors Irina and Georg, Before the year closes I wish to keep my promise to write out my testimonies.   Testimony #1: At the beginning of the year I was at a Sunday evening service in Hamburg with Pastors Georg and Irina. I left the hall just before the end of the meeting. When I got home I thought my watch was broken because I’d only needed a half-an-hour to get home instead of one....

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Healed from a brain tumor

Hello brothers and sisters, I wish to testify as to what has happened in my husband and I’s life. Three months ago my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The doctor ordered a follow-up examination in 3 months’ time. He informed us that a specimen cannot be made from that particular part because of a risk of paralysis. I told the doctor that when we come again in 3 months’ time my husband...

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Lung restored after operation

Shortly before my operation in March 2018 I went with my husband to Glory Life. Although I had never smoked I had a 5 cm big lung tumor. The tumor was surgically removed as well as a lobe in the right lung. Despite the size of the tumor all the examined lymph glands were fine. For a while after the op I was physically and mentally drained. The healing team, as well as Pastor Georg, prayed often...

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Healed from nasopharyngeal cancer

On 25 November 2018 I arrived in hospital with a stroke, my heart beating abnormally and with water retention in my whole body. An MRI scan revealed that there was a tissue in the sinuses that did not look good. They took a sample of it which showed that it was cancer. The doctors advised me to have chemotherapy but I said I wanted some time to think about it. During this time I spoke to God. To...

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