Personal miracle reports

An infected wound closes supernaturally – a man is healed from multiple cancerous tumors

17. February 2021

I wish to give testimony about two answers to prayer as a result of the Glory Life School teaching “100 % Answer to Prayer” by Irina. 

The first is to do with a friend who was operated on the knee and received an artificial joint. The wound festered. He had been operated on again twice and the date for a third operation had been made. I prayed for him and I could see his wound healing from within and then it closed. Because I wasn’t sure I didn’t tell his wife. Two days later she drove him to hospital for the 3rd operation and then drove home. She was hardly at home when the phone rang and it was the surgeon. Her husband had already been on the operating table and they were amazed to see that the wound was closed. She was allowed to fetch him straight away. Hallelujah!

The other answer to prayer had to do with a middle aged man, the brother of a friend of mine. His gums, esophagus, stomach and bladder were cancerous. The forecast was bad. On agreement I prayed for him and his mother also prayed. He remained optimistic throughout all therapies (chemo and radiation); he didn’t lose heart. The good news: two weeks ago he started work again, is considered to be healed and is overjoyed. His 88 year old mother and I both cried for joy. God is mighty!

Kindest regards,


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