Pain disappeared

Neighbor is healed from leg and back problems

DruckenE-MailLast week my neighbor told me that she has been completely healed since I prayed for her! A while ago she told me about the complaints she had with her leg since a fall. The doctors were unable to help further. When she told me this I could feel power in my right hand. I told her about the power I was feeling and said that I was sure that God wished to heal her. She agreed and came...

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Healed from heart problems and asthma

Hello my Dears at Glory Life Zentrum in Filderstadt, My husband I took part in the Pentecost Conference in May 2016. After the Sunday service with Pastor Georg I went up for prayer.  For the last 4 years I’ve suffered, especially with exertion, acute heart problems with pain radiating down my left arm, as well as related breathing problems. On Monday morning I woke up with the word “jogging”. I...

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Healed from painful shoulder problems through a word of knowledge

Dear Pastor George, Today, the 26 June, I accompanied my daughter to the Miracle Service in the Glory Life Zentrum. I was only there in order to accompany her. I want to tell you that I had terrible pain that morning in my left shoulder. This had been my problem for many years because of a strain on my left arm. After your “word of knowledge” I was healed today from this pain. A question: How...

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Dental problems disappear

My tooth was prayed for on a “Happy Thursday” evening. It had been a problem for weeks and I could no longer bite on that side. Three days after the prayer the problems were gone. That was about 4 weeks ago and all is well. Thank you Jesus!  M.H.

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Foot pain disappears and the perception of a supernatural fragrance

Dear Glory Life Team, Last weekend I was at your church when Joshua Mills was there. For some weeks I had pain in my left foot. It felt similar to a pain I’d experienced in my other foot that once had a hairline fracture. I had not gone to the doctor because I knew I’d be visiting your service. When George preached on Saturday morning I laid my hand on my foot and that was it. I can only say...

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Months of knee and back pain disappear and lady can walk normally again

(From a participant of the School of Supernatural Life). Hello Pastor George, Last week I spoke to a lady on the phone and we had a good talk. She then told me that since October she has been suffering with acute pain in the knee and backache, and could no longer walk properly. She had twisted her body and knee as she got into the car. I asked if I could pray for her on the phone. I told her to...

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Fascinating renewal of the body

DruckenE-MailDear George and Irina, Even though it has been weeks ago I’m still almost daily thankful for the wonderful healings that have happened to me during the church service in Stuttgart. Since then I am able to walk better. God has given me a fascinating renewal of my body. I can only stand in awe. To be honest I actually wanted to wait longer before testifying because although I had...

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Glory Life scholar prays: Pain and movement disability in the back and hips disappear

Dear Glory Life Team, I’m delighted to report about a healing that happened last week in my new job. The cleaning woman complained about pain and told me that yesterday she had cleaned the parish community center in her town. I then thought that she must be a believer in Jesus so I said, “Well, let us pray”. I laid my hand on her back and prayed. She was surprised the pain was gone and that she...

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Pain in the knee disappears after the laying on of hands

Dear Pastor Georg, I was busy in my office and I needed something in the garage which is quite a way away. I was feeling lazy and didn’t really want to go. However, as I reached the garage I saw a neighbor taking out a tree stump. We began to chat and he told me that he has a crack in the knee cap which causes him continual pain. I began to tell him about the power of Jesus which heals...

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Pain in the knee disappears – toenail is restored

Hi Dear Glory Life Team, According to orthopedists my knee caps were often in pain because they were too small. Shoe inserts and cycling helped to prevent the pain. After the Glory and Miracle Service I drove home and to begin with didn’t notice any change. In faith I took my shoe inserts out. I claimed the Word, didn’t get around to cycling and I still had no pain. That is our fascinating,...

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After an accident with the coccyx years of pain disappear

God is really sensationally awesome: As a child I fell on my coccyx and had pain for many years so that I often avoided moving quickly or sitting quickly down on a seat. I was healed yesterday at the Miracle Service! I can now move freely and can sit down spontaneously, can freely move in all directions! Wow, a whole new body sensation! Jesus, you are so awesome! Thanks to you Pastor Georg and...

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Healing of the foot soles – touched by the love of Jesus

I was healed on both foot soles in the last church service. They had been very sore for weeks and had burnt like crazy. I was very touched. For two nights afterwards I cried in my bed with happiness and thankfulness for the love of Jesus. I suddenly had this joy and peace and a great longing to pass on this love. I just wanted to use every opportunity to make Jesus known and tangible through me…...

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