Personal miracle reports

Pain in the knee disappears – toenail is restored

17. February 2021

Hi Dear Glory Life Team,
According to orthopedists my knee caps were often in pain because they were too small. Shoe inserts and cycling helped to prevent the pain.
After the Glory and Miracle Service I drove home and to begin with didn’t notice any change. In faith I took my shoe inserts out. I claimed the Word, didn’t get around to cycling and I still had no pain.
That is our fascinating, gracious God. All thanks to Jesus!
Together with my brother-in-law I also watched a healing service in internet. My brother-in-law was immediately healed – that is he had already received healing live in a service and now again in internet.
I also claimed healing for my big toenail which was injured at the root many years ago. It hurt at times, grew unshapely and looked very unaesthetic. To begin with nothing happened and then after a few days I noticed the full restoration of the toe. Wow! A.M.

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