Personal miracle reports

Deep inner healing + a new touch of the love of God

17. February 2021

During the last Healing Service in the Meistersinger Hall in Nuremberg I didn’t receive immediate external healing, but made the decision to enter the realm of Glory (I have been a Christian since my childhood through my believing family). I had a good chat with a church worker who recommended the Gospel of John to me.
I was reading at home and every word came alive. When I read the first lines I saw myself as a baby with a milk bottle. I then received every written letter decoded – a world in which I want to fall deep into. I called the church worker and the following day I read on including the recommended verses in Ephesians. I saw myself as a toddler taking its first steps towards its father.
I had to cry bitterly and wrote about the blocked relationship to my earthly father. (Despite the barrier between us he got the opportunity to bless me professionally during his lifetime, and he did it convincingly – a wonderful gift – all honor to God).
Now I’m getting to know my heavenly Dad and the coworker from Glory Life is mentoring me on this. My heavenly family is so gracious.
A few weeks ago I prayed: Lord, I also want to feel your love firsthand like others experience it and then experienced Jesus in me. Sometime later I prayed similar to in the Song of Solomon: Put yourself like a seal on my heart so that I am able to love you Jesus. I really then felt affection for Jesus as a person. God is now leading me further with the help of Glory Life.
Lots of love,

Folge uns

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