Personal miracle reports

Healing of the foot soles – touched by the love of Jesus

17. February 2021

I was healed on both foot soles in the last church service. They had been very sore for weeks and had burnt like crazy. I was very touched. For two nights afterwards I cried in my bed with happiness and thankfulness for the love of Jesus. I suddenly had this joy and peace and a great longing to pass on this love. I just wanted to use every opportunity to make Jesus known and tangible through me… I then had a picture of a water pipe and I knew that we are the water pipes through which the blessing of our Father flows and this water supply system is continually blessed in that the living water flows through us. I became aware that God’s priority is to do us good! Glory – sorry, but I cannot find words to describe this properly. I am just so happy, so overjoyed – God is so good. Hallelujah!  J.P.

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