Personal miracle reports

Supernatural refund from the Tax Office

17. February 2021

Hi Pastor Georg,
On Monday the Tax Office refunded a big sum of money for the tax year 2013. At first the Tax Office said there was no claim to it because the tax return went in too late. However, I prayed that somehow it would go through. Even though the Tax Office had let me know in writing that the year 2013 was finished with, I again put in for it. A tax consultant had said that I have no hope.
The refund was about 2.4 times more than the donation of €1000 that I had made on Sunday at the conference!
Now I can buy my wife a new cell phone with ease and give you guys the old one to take to Kenya/Uganda. God is so good! Thank you Jesus. The Holy Spirit has also worked over hours – thank you, thank you, thank you.
Like you always preach – you can’t match God in giving…
Best regards,

Folge uns

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