
Tumour marker results drop dramatically so that an operation is no longer necessary!

Dear Georg, I received good news from the gynaecologist today. At the end of October 2014 I spoke to you and you then prayed for me (I was supposed to have an operation to remove malignant cysts and an ovary with the option that I may have to have a total hysterectomy). Today I received the tumour marker result which is 15.6. This is a normal value. Normal value is less than 35. Before the...

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A continual screaming child now laughs after contact with an anointed plush toy!

I got to know through a neighbour that another neighbour’s new-born child continually screamed. The mother wouldn’t go out with it because it was embarrassing and people stared. I felt compassion and wanted to help. Whilst I was shopping God showed me that I should buy a stuffed toy, put it in the healing basket to be anointed and then give it to this baby. I did this and then prayed that I...

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Toe operation no longer necessary!

I had an ingrown toe nail on my big toe which was inflamed, septic, swollen and very sore. At the Healing Service Irme and Manuela from the Healing Team prayed for me. The pain eased and the swelling went down even whilst going home. I had already made an appointment with the doctor for an operation but when the doctor saw my toe he said that an op was no longer necessary. Jesus is sooo good!...

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Healed from various long term ailments!

For a long time I had hunched shoulders. Since someone from the healing team prayed for me I now have normal shoulders just like when I was young! For 25 years I also suffered a deep pain when my hips and legs moved. Since the Glory and Miracle Service on 31 January this pain has disappeared! I always had to have a cushion between my knees in order to sleep. What a pleasure that this is now a...

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Healed from acute pain and sleeping problems at Glory Life in Augsburg

For ages G. was unable to sleep at night because of acute pain in her legs. It was so bad that she went to the doctor. He gave her medicine but when she read the package information leaflet she was shocked to find out all the side effects one could get from it. We prayed for her in our house church. The following day she got up and all pain was gone and she had slept all through the night! Her...

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Little girl no longer needs a bone marrow transplantation!

A little girl in my sister’s neighbourhood had leukaemia. A search for a donor with matching tissue was started in Osnabruck. In the meantime, during a miracle church service in Hamburg, we put a present in the cloth basket (for healing prayer) to give to her in the hospital. It’s now 3 months later and my sister told us that the little girl’s blood values are so normal that a transplantation is...

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Healed from high temperature and breathing problems!

Hallo Dear Healing Team, I would like to report a healing. I prayed for a lady who was in hospital with a very high temperature. After the prayer the temperature immediately became normal. The young lady was very surprised and accepted Jesus!!! Two weeks ago Wolfgang from the Healing Team prayed for me that I would no longer have breathing problems when I go for a walk. The next day I went for a...

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Man with terminal cancer healed!

Three weeks ago my mother told me about a man with terminal cancer who lived in Frankfurt – he had metastasis in his whole body and was in terrible pain. The doctors could do no more for him except give him painkillers and had given him 6 months to live. Just before my holiday I called this man from Stuttgart Airport, broke the death sentence over him in the name of Jesus, and prayed for...

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Working colleague healed from acute knee pain

I had lunch with my colleague yesterday. He complained about acute pain in his knee. I laid my hands on it and prayed in the Name of Jesus for complete healing. At the beginning of prayer I couldn’t feel the Power and then suddenly I felt something in his knee move! My colleague tested his leg thoroughly and could feel no more pain. He was overjoyed!!!! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!   T.P.

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Heavenly choir accompanies drive

Dear Georg, Like nearly everyone I experienced the most wonderful things over the Pentecost weekend. I wish to share one of them with you: On my way home on Friday I heard for the first time “angel music”. To the right in the front of my car I heard a whole choir with such a heavenly soft but such clear voices that I find it difficult to describe. I was a bit confused and thought I had my window...

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Shoulder complaint and problems with the gastrointestinal tract disappear!

Hi Dear Friends, In November 14 I had acute pain in the right shoulder and it was painful when I lifted it. Someone from the healing team in Hamburg prayed for me and from then on it got better. After two weeks all pain was gone. Thank you Jesus! In March I also received prayed for my gastrointestinal tract from the Hamburg healing team. I was again having problems with pain, wind and nausea....

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