Personal miracle reports

A continual screaming child now laughs after contact with an anointed plush toy!

30. April 2021

I got to know through a neighbour that another neighbour’s new-born child continually screamed. The mother wouldn’t go out with it because it was embarrassing and people stared. I felt compassion and wanted to help.

Whilst I was shopping God showed me that I should buy a stuffed toy, put it in the healing basket to be anointed and then give it to this baby.

I did this and then prayed that I would meet the mother. She came by the following day and I told her about the healing power in the toy and that it gets rid of negative energies – all in the Name of Jesus. I said it had nothing to do with esotericism etc., but that God is the source of healing.

She thankfully took the stuffed toy and also wanted to lay it day and night by the baby.
And now when I met her again she told me that the baby no longer screams and when she takes it in her arms it always laughs!

Thank you Jesus.  


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