Personal miracle reports

While dreaming with God my hearing was retuned

14. June 2023

It happened during the Glory House evening. We wanted to look for the dreams of God – what He would show us and what He would speak to us. Accordingly, we prayed together that the Lord would open our eyes and ears that evening. After a soaking time where we wrote down many things and also got pictures, I began to speak and some of those present shared their impressions. The presence of God was very strong. Suddenly something about my hearing changed.
To understand, I must say that I had hearing damage because once many years ago a sound technician at the mixing desk had sounded a note at maximum volume through the monitor speakers and since then I could hear certain frequencies only distorted. Now it was as if “someone” had simply “turned up” my entire hearing, especially in the higher tones.
Everyone was aware of this moment. I was so amazed because I couldn’t believe what had just happened – just like that.
The other morning I did an extra test with different sounds and music.
The result: I have probably never heard so well!
Praise and thanks be to our Lord. D.B.

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