Miracle news

Miracle news January 2014

30. January 2014

Praise Report Glory Invasion Jan 2014 in Stuttgart/Germany:

The Glory Invasion with David & Stephanie Herzog & Georg Karl here near Stuttgart opened up whole new levels & dimensions of glory for our church & ministry as well as for the whole region and German speaking nations!

Signs & wonders of all kind accompanied the fresh revelation from the word of God, that opened up whole new perspectives to the approx. 250 people attending. 7 people received Jesus in the meetings, at least one other person in the hospital also got saved linked to the meetings.

Among many other things that happened the following reports were especially amazing:
*a woman testified, that 20 little tumours in her breasts had disappeared.

*a child had a tooth grow out that had no room in the mouth before and because of that was unable to grow!

*several people received supernatural weight loss, some several dress sizes and kilogramms!
A man testified on Sunday that he had to tighten his belt after every service until there were no holes left in the belt and he had to create new ones!

*several people were freed from heart problems, others from arthritis, and others from eye problems and diseases like cataracts, far-sightedness etc.

* a woman had had an accident on Thursday afternoon and came to the meeting on friday with crutches unable to put weight on her foot. During the service she suddenly noticed that she was now able to put weight on her crushed foot, so she left the crutches behind and walked up and down the stairs without pain! On Sunday she could suddenly watch the dark blue colour of her foot disappear before her eyes! She has never used crutches since and the doctor & pharmacist were shocked when she walked into their place on Tuesday just like that!

*a girl had twisted feet and could thus not walk correctly. During the meeting on Saturday her feet straightened out and she could walk normally!

*a young woman had irregular bones that stuck out below her two knees and had caused pain for a long time. When someone from the healing team laid hands on her the bones shrank and the pain left her completely!

*several people testified that after the meetings lost objects suddenly appeared on places where they had already search for them several times!

*several people had gold & silver dust on their bodies or supernatural oil in their hands. Some of those people testified that this manifestation didn’t leave them for days- even after washing their hands the gold was still there!

*many people were healed and set free from pain of all sorts and limited movability in different joints and limbs

*several people were freed from massive fear and panic attacks as well as suicidal thoughts
etc. etc.
Glory be to God and the Lord Jesus Christ for all He has done!

Further Reports:

-Almost a dozen people were healed during a church service during communion. Movement disabilities, acute pain and back problems were healed as well as a man who had suffered for 17 years with acute pain in his back as a result of an accident whereby 2 vertebrae has been damaged in the lumbar region. All his problems were immediately healed!
And a lady who limped because of a slipped disc could feel the disc moving into the correct position and then demonstrated to all the church that she could now walk normally!

-For months a man had such terrible toothache that he couldn’t eat properly. He visited the church in Kirchentellinsfurt and asked Pastor George to pray for him. Immediately the pain became less and a few days later he reported that the toothache was completely gone!

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