Miracle news

Miracle news December 2013

31. December 2013

A few months ago at the end of a Sunday service Pastor Georg set free the anointing in the basket of clothes (these clothes can be laid on the sick in other places and on those who cannot attend the service). On this particular Sunday Pastor Georg had the impression that someone had put in a clothing item especially for a person with a medically incurable sickness. Thereupon a lady said that she had put the item in for a woman suffering with Cirrhosis. She later asked the son of this woman to lay the clothing item on his mother. He did this and since then the liver tests had become normal and she is feeling much better!

-A few months ago a lady from the Glory Life Zentrum prayed for a relation that was suffering with Melanoma. She encouraged her to believe that Jesus has done everything for her and that the cancer must leave her. She met up with her again over Christmas and she enthusiastically said that the prayer had been answered – the dermatologist was no longer able to find any skin cancer!

-On Christmas Day during the church service blue glitter was at first found on stage by the praise and worship team and later in other parts of the church hall. This is evidently a sign that angels have been especially active!

-A lady had skin cancer and attended a Glory and Miracle Service for the first time. She was prayed for and a short time later she was examined by the doctor who confirmed that she no longer had cancer! In the meantime she has received Jesus as her Lord!

-Last Sunday the healing power of God exploded during a normal church service. Without anyone having spoken the first healing took place. This energy increased during communion and people were healed from movement disabilities and pain in the shoulders, knees etc., and someone was healed of a whiplash.
A man testified that on the Thursday evening after the church service hands were laid on him for his bad heart. He had had problems for a long time and could hardly walk upstairs but since receiving prayer his heart was healed and running normally!

The Glory and Miracle Weekend from the 14th to 15th December was absolutely great!


The Holy spirit moved in authority, heavenly joy was poured out in abundance and the glory of God manifested with signs and wonders so that healings of all kinds took place – it was like heaven on earth!
A few people received the new life in Jesus, and the sons and daughters of God were equipped with authority and power enabling them to live out their supernatural lives with signs and wonders as mighty kings and queens under the reign of the highest King.

Amongst the miracles whereby disabilities, pain, eye problems, bad ears etc. were healed, here are some outstanding miracle reports:

*A lady suffered for approximately 20 years with insomnia. She was prayed for after a word of knowledge on the Saturday, and on Sunday morning she reported that she had slept like a log during the night!

*The nerves in a man’s hand had been severed as a result of an accident in 1999. His hand was continually numb. After Pastor Georg prayed for him on Saturday he later testified that his hand was no longer numb and that he had feelings in his whole hand again!

*A man with a hole in his eardrum had been very deaf since his youth. After Pastor Georg spoke out commanding the ear to come into the alignment of God he began to hear clearer and clearer. Eventually he could hear and understand softly spoken words from far off!

*A lady had cancer of the womb. She suffered acute pain and was going to have a hysterectomy in January. On the Saturday night Pastor Georg laid hands on her and commanded the cancer to leave. Later, when this lady was at home she could see in the spirit how every cell in her abdomen “laughed”. In bed, during the night, she felt herself raised – as if she was on a cloud. The next morning when she awoke she had no more pain in her abdomen!

*A man testified to experiencing the supernatural loss of weight. His trousers became very comfortable around the hips and the next day when he wore other trousers he also noticed a big difference!

*A man could no longer see well and was going to go to the ophthalmologist. However, on Saturday night – to his surprise – God corrected his eyesight. It was no longer necessary to see the doctor!

*A man had problems with his ear in that he continually heard a thudding and a crackling. He wanted to go to the ear specialist about it. However, when he entered the church hall on Saturday this suddenly went away and it hasn’t returned!

 *A lady testified that during praise and worship her spine had been healed. She’d had problems for a long time. She felt her spine being “scanned” on 3 parts and then she was bent forward which she normally was unable to do. Since then she has straightened! She can now sit straight, has no pain, and life has become easier for her!

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