Personal miracle reports

Lady with MS gets up from her wheelchair

4. June 2021

Dear Irina & Georg, you great Treasures of God!
We thank you with all our hearts for the healing that took place yesterday evening in Salzburg. Experiencing the love of God through you is priceless.
Ruth got out of her wheelchair. She could feel the love in you – the love of God in you made her able to move. Later we noticed that there were other signs of healing to be seen in her which I would like to tell you about. For instance, she could get up on her own from her seat and she could lift her foot again!
The motor skills in her hand improved!
God gave Elisabeth, the lady who takes care of Ruth, gold dust on her hands. This was a sign for us that His power will work through her for Ruth!
We thank you with our whole hearts that you remembered us in Salzburg, Austria, and we look forward to seeing you again.
How big will the thank you from God be when ours is already so big!
With love,
K., I., B., E., C., E. and now Ruth as well!

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