Personal miracle reports

Healed from flat feet

30. April 2021

Dear Georg,

In July 2014 my daughter Nathalie was in the Miracle and Healing Service in Hamburg.
Among other things you also prayed for her feet which the orthopaedist said looked like flippers (she had no arch – her feet were completely flat). As a result of her being overweight she had deformed arches which gave her acute discomfort.
Immediately after you prayed she felt different but one couldn’t see any change. Now a miracle can be seen! During her holiday at the beginning of October she noticed her wet footprints. SHE HAS NORMAL FEET WITH HEALTHY ARCHES!
Halleluja! GREAT!
I’ve attached proof to this email. The picture with the negative print was taken by the orthapaedist in 2011 and the other is recent. ((The editorial staff have these before and after pictures in the office.))

With love,

Folge uns

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