Personal miracle reports

freed from fear of heights and pride in special healing service

27. October 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters, here is what I experienced at the special healing service a few weeks ago: I only accompanied my wife and a neighbor to the healing service but i didn’t plan to receive prayers for myself. In the last room, the preacher had a word of knowledge: ”there is someone in the room who suffers with fear of heights”. Since childhood I had been dealing with this problem, more than 3 meters of height wasn´t possible for me. I was embarrassed about this. Many people with serious diseases were here and it should be my turn with this “ridiculous little thing”. No one responded, so I raised my hand about halfway up, because I wanted to be obedient. The preacher went on with something else. I breathed a sigh of relief, “she missed me”. After 10 minutes, she suddenly said: there was someone with a fear of heights who raised his hand. And she was waiting. Okay, I went forward, she prayed and the Holy Spirit worked with power. On the next oppurtunity, I tested: repair on the roof of a house, no problems; lookout tower with about 15-20 meters height, a little queasy feeling but otherwise I could bend over the parapet without problems; narrow path above a ravine with rotten railing, about 20 meters, no problems (earlier I felt my way along the mountain slope to get past). Thank you Jesus for this healing. Another aspect became even more important to me and is perhaps the real reason for this specific healing!!! Healing from my pride, ‘”to the humble the LORD gives grace”, deepening my relationship with Jesus Christ, learning obedience when HE speaks. Thank Jesus especially for this healing too. “Your goodness is running after me”. You know this song from Bethel Church. It is very deep in my heart to give testimony of it. Best regards, A.G
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