Heavenly surgery – polyp removed from uterus

Dear pastor Georg, to the glory of God, I want to give you medical and spiritual feedback on my daughter’s healing, after consulting with her and seeing the medical documents. When you spoke a word of knowledge on Saturday afternoon at the conference that cysts...

Hip healed: pain that lasted 9 years is now gone

Hello Pastor Georg, I was at your event in Zurich (Hirzel) on Saturday. So much happened. Many generational spirits had to leave me! When I came forward, I wanted to start again with Jesus and make a mark in the visible and the invisible world. I was also healed of a...

Word of knowledge: freed from knee pain

Dear ones, last Sunday during worship a word of knowledge for knee problems came up. Since I had already prayed about it a few months ago (the pain was less, but I was not 100% pain free), I continued to place myself on the accomplished victory and did not...