Personal miracle reports

Supernatural transfer with the car

10. February 2021

When we were on our way home from church on 20 January 2019 we were supernaturally transferred in time.
When we got home we went about the usual things. I was in the kitchen preparing a meal. My father appeared at the door with big eyes and asked with a shaky voice, “How fast did you drive home and how long have you been here?” I calmly answered, “We drove at about 130 km/h but had to brake a lot. We’ve been home now for about 30 minutes.”He was completely surprised and explained that we passed him and he wanted to keep up with us but we suddenly just disappeared.
Only afterwards we realized that we had driven home for only half-an-hour instead of a full hour.
I thank the Lord for this amazing miracle. It is so wonderful. I am very thankful for it especially as our children were with us and could also experience it.

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