Personal miracle reports

Report of raising the dead by Gloryhaus leader (doctor) on vacation!

1. December 2022

We were on vacation in France on the Atlantic coast. 
My sister-in-law invited us to a service in the small reformed church where she lived. There were only 30-40 older people in the building.
Our inner vision has long been to bring back to life the heritage of the Huguenot revival that had been buried for centuries. As the pastor of the reformed church spoke about Mt 16:18 (I will build my church…the gates of hell will not prevail against it), God set a sign in our midst: 
An elderly woman collapsed in her chair, turned pale as death, stopped breathing, and lost her pulse. This lasted for about 3 minutes until I finally got to it. I shouted out loud, without thinking, into the congregation, “I bind the spirit of death in her and command the spirit of life to return.”  

There was a holy silence in the room, no one started to panic, no one activated the emergency medical call. The preacher was speechless, he had only stopped talking. Immediately, this woman’s pulse came back weak, then stronger and stronger. I had positioned my fingers there as a doctor. She came back to life with a radiant face of hope, then she started breathing again!
As if God wanted to say: “The time has come, I will build my church in France, and free it from the spirit of death and sin. And I will release the spirit of life in Christ in her again.” It will start in France where it left off with the Huguenots back then! 


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