Personal miracle reports

Precious ring rematerialized

24. January 2024

Dear Pastor Georg,

God bless you all! I have experienced a great miracle. We were on vacation in Gand Canaria. There I wore a purple ring with two stones for dinner. I took it off and it was there for 2-3 days, then it disappeared. When we were packing, I looked everywhere, including under the chest of drawers, but the ring was nowhere to be found. Then I prayed that the ring would materialize again – as in the testimonies read by Pastor Georg – because I loved it. But nothing happened.

When we got back home, three days later, I looked in the large jewelry box and couldn’t believe my eyes: the purple ring was in the first row. I hadn’t taken the large box with me on vacation, just the small travel box. I was amazed, isn’t God big?

Thank you Jesus. I thought, you can’t tell anyone about this, otherwise they’ll say you’re crazy. But I can tell the Glorylife community.

I recently visited the beautician. She gave her life to Jesus and wants to come to the service. When I wanted to pay, she said ‘once is free’. Hallelujah! A.L.

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