Personal miracle reports

Mobbing at work is revealed by a dream

10. February 2021

I prayed for a young lady who was in fear about her final exam. After prayer she was at peace and she did pass her exam. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus, She is very happy and thankful. 

Another young lady was mobbed at her work so I prayed for her. She called me today and told me her boss had called her into her office because she needed to clarify something with her. The boss asked her how she felt about the situation in her work place and explained that she had dreamed the same dream twice that night about this girl’s daily life in the office, and all the harassment she had to endure. The boss apologized and promised to make sure these situations no longer occur. God fought for this young lady and did not let her boss rest until she did something about it. Thank you Father that you took care of her. She is so thankful and amazed at how quickly God heard her prayers.


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