Personal miracle reports

Long-lasting effect from the Glory and Miracle service!

16. April 2021

Dear Glory Life Team,
I was at the Glory and Miracle service in Hamburg on the 15th November 2015.
After the service the following changes took place in my life:
I feel free from heavy mental baggage à Effects: inner calmness, peace and tranquility. Lots of strength and harmony in everyday life. Joy in my heart. The fears, worries, the inner driving and the continuous bustle have gone.

Other values have come to the fore – clarity and a clear view have taken place and are still active.
>From the first day I can clearly feel Father God in me and the connection is everlasting. I feel in my heart that my life and my way belong absolutely to God.
I can feel that Jesus Christ is alive in me. It feels like a romantic relationship 🙂
Joy, peace and a slowing down has come about.
Financial abundance is becoming apparent in the form of more orders and quotes.
I thank you Father God from my heart.

Folge uns

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