Personal miracle reports

Healing from severe back pain after prayer on the phone

20. December 2022

Hello dear ones, 
Last week was my spiritual birthday (5 years since my salvation) and I asked the Lord if He had a gift for me…. 
In the evening I received the following message: Good evening, can you help me? At the moment I have severe pain in my lower back on the left side over my buttocks and hips to my knees and further to my toes. We spoke on the phone and I asked her how bad the pain was on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the highest. Although she is tough she said the pain was at 8. 
So I said a short prayer, as you teach in the Glory Life School. The whole thing took less than a minute and the pain was cut in half. From 8 to 4 and she was totally amazed that this happened so quickly. She said the back pain was barely noticeable now, but the pain was now stronger in the knee. So we prayed again and the pain was cut in half from 4 to 2.  
Then she said that she believed that it also needed time to heal. On this I gave her the hint that if she believes it that way it can prevent the healing process. Our God is great and powerful and not limited by space and time and if she can accept that, the healing can also happen immediately. So I prayed again and God healed her so she could walk pain free. Hallelujah, all glory to the Lord, what a great birthday gift 😊. Best wishes and a blessed day to all, R.W.

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