Personal miracle reports

Healed from food intolerances

10. February 2023

Dear Glorylife, dear Pastor Georg,
For years I suffered from a severe histamine intolerance and many food intolerances, i.e. I could not eat anything that I had not carefully prepared myself. Eating out was not possible. Intolerant foods caused severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea and exhaustion. I was convinced that by faith I would be healed of my histamine intolerance and food intolerances in the Glory and Healing service on the livestream on 11/12/22 by God’s glory. I didn’t notice anything physically during the service, but four days later, in faith, I ate a large portion of an otherwise severely intolerant food and tolerated it perfectly. Since then, every day I eat more foods that I could not eat before, expanding my diet without ever getting the typical symptoms again; all is well after eating! This miracle gives me back my freedom. I bow before the Lord and give thanks, thank you Jesus and also thank you Glorylife. Best regards G.B.

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