Personal miracle reports

Coccyx is healed after 25 years

12. February 2021

Dear Pastor Georg,

I am so happy because Jesus has healed my coccyx. It took a while for me to register that it was so. This healing is extra special because I prayed for all sorts but not for this. Twenty-five years ago I had a skiing accident whereby I broke my coccyx and since then always suffered pain, and I couldn’t sit properly. I did 2 years Bible school which wasn’t easy because of so much sitting. However, the Lord did show me solutions as to how to sit in order to relieve the pain. The pain doesn’t exist anymore which is super and wonderful!!!

My trust in the Lord has increased and I know that He will restore everything. I practice patience because I know that it is His will for me to be healed. God is good and he knows the path for me. This makes me very thankful and happy and encourages me not to give up and to rather see his miracles daily. All honor and thanks go to Him. Kindest regards from Switzerland with love, best wishes and blessings for your service.


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