90 year old awakes out of a coma

Hello Beloved, Day-before-yesterday a neighbor told me that her 90 year old mother-in-law in Italy had been in a coma for 4 days after falling and injuring her head. I prayed for her and commanded in the Name of Jesus that she awakes out of the coma to live normally....

Healed from knee pain

I arrived at the Miracle Service in Nuremberg with knee pain. Three days before I bought an elastic knee bandage so I didn’t have to limp so much because over the last three weeks it had got so bad that I could hardly put any pressure on my foot when walking, and...

Shoulder healed during praise and worship

During the conference on Saturday night on 17 November my shoulder got healed during praise and worship. When I fell off my bicycle end of May, the handle bars landed on my biceps tendon which caused me big problems. There were some movements that I couldn’t manage at...