Personal miracle reports

Shoulder healed and gastro-intestinal problems disappear

12. February 2021

On Saturday 10 November I was with my wife in the Glory and Miracle Service in Nuremberg.
A few months ago I had an auto accident with a tram and in the Nuremberg Glory Life Service have experienced a miracle on my shoulder. I had continual pain and neither medical treatment nor physiotherapy helped.
I could hardly use my shoulder, arm and elbow. The doctor said I should learn to live with it because an operation would not help.
I also pray for the sick. I have been to church services and afterwards experienced short-term improvement. However, over the last 8 days since being at the Glory Life Service, I have been totally pain free, can move freely and have even lifted weights at the gym. Yes, it is a miracle for me!!!
Pastor Georg also prayed for traumas and 2 days later the Lord told me that I have been healed from my trauma. I started to reduce my stomach medication and my digestion is still functioning perfectly. I suffered continually with gastro-intestinal problems. That is for me the second miracle. Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus and thank you for your ministry.

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