Traineeship inclusive future prospects

I have to really give Jesus full honor!!! It is so wonderful and I am still enthusiastic as to how he leads through the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of this year I am training for a commercial qualification and during this time have to do a training internship in...

Supernatural and quick pain-free birth

Dear Pastor Georg, My pregnancy was a struggle – my daughter Goldie Grace was estimated as being too big. I had too much water and my blood cell count was very low. I spoke out in faith for a supernatural birth for my daughter. My other two births were difficult with...

Baby turned in the womb

Dear Glory Life Team, I was with you in Nuremburg on 21 July and after the service received prayer for our daughter who wasn’t there. She was at the beginning of her 8 month pregnancy and the baby was in breech position which would mean having a caesarian. My daughter...

Awakening of the dead on vacation

DruckenE-MailDear Georg, as promised, I wish to tell you about the most amazing miracle of all during the time of my faith. I was in a hotel in Tunisia with my children from 29 August to 9 September. I had lots of chats with people working there including a man called...

God’s guidance when buying a car

We are enjoying our nice new car and are very thankful (see testimony from last year). Nevertheless, we’ve noticed that one car just isn’t enough. My son and I drove all over the place looking for a used car. Eventually my son said to me, “Dad, this searching is...