Personal miracle reports

Awakening of the dead on vacation

12. February 2021

Dear Georg,

as promised, I wish to tell you about the most amazing miracle of all during the time of my faith. I was in a hotel in Tunisia with my children from 29 August to 9 September.

I had lots of chats with people working there including a man called Abdul who told me on the Saturday before our departure about a pain he had in his left arm and heart. He had this as a result of a shock because his wife had drawn and spent 80 000 dinar without his knowledge. He e had worked 5 years for this money. I carefully told this Muslim that Jesus loves him and I had experienced many healing miracles through prayer. He said he does not practice the Muslim faith and let me pray for him.

The next day (9 September 2018), the day of our departure, at approximately the same time that our church prayed for the raising of the dead, the following happened to this man in Africa. Just after 12 when we left our hotel room with our baggage I hoped to see him to say good bye but couldn’t see him anywhere. A close colleague of his showed me a picture of him on his smartphone, a dying Abdul lying lifeless in hospital. He had taken him there because of his heart problem.

Around 13:45 the Holy Spirit showed me clearly how serious the situation was, that I should intercede for him in prayer, that it is about life and death. I told my children what was going on, went into the hotel garden and at first spoke in tongues, then spoke with authority and love into the situation. I stood in the gap and pleaded with God to rather take me than let this wonderful unsaved man die. Tears fell and it felt powerful although I felt so insignificant but at the same time devoted for the life of this 43 year old father of 2 daughters (8 + 10 years old). I felt an infinite love for him and knew that he would be lost if he died now. I proclaimed he would not die but live to declare the works of the Lord.

About one-and-a-half-hours later his colleague told me that Abdul was resting in the Massage Rooms of the hotel, I couldn’t believe that he was back in the hotel and unfortunately it wasn’t possible to say bye to him because we were departing. The following day he wrote to me on WhatsApp: “I did not want you to worry. I had heart problems. I died but 5 minutes later woke up. I said to the doctor I want to see my children and they brought my daughter in – I saw her for the first time again after many weeks.” Hallelujah, all honor to Jesus!! Two miracles in one and the third happened yesterday. Abdul had heart pain again. He spoke to Jesus himself and the pain went! He gives Jesus all honor. He says he loves Jesus and He has now become his life. We no longer live, Jesus lives us.


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