Personal miracle reports

Time reduction miracle – testicle tumor disappears – lump disappears

17. February 2021

Dears Pastors Irina and Georg,

Before the year closes I wish to keep my promise to write out my testimonies.  

Testimony #1:
At the beginning of the year I was at a Sunday evening service in Hamburg with Pastors Georg and Irina. I left the hall just before the end of the meeting. When I got home I thought my watch was broken because I’d only needed a half-an-hour to get home instead of one. However, my watch was correct – I had got home at an impossibly short space of time! I always need at least an hour!

Testimony #2:
Shortly before I left to attend a service in April, my sister called me. She told me that a close relation (24 year old man whose wife was very pregnant) had been diagnosed with a malignant testicular tumor. It didn’t look good and she asked for prayer.
At the beginning of the service Pastor Georg called out that there are people present with close relations that have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor and told these people to stand up. I stood up as well as another 8 to 10 people. Pastor Georg prayed against the cancer and spoke new life into the cells. I also had a cloth prayed for which I gave to the young man. Three weeks later at the follow-up examination they were unable to find any cancer cells in his body. To this day he has kept the cloth.

Testimony #3: 
During a church service Pastor Georg prayed against all sorts of cancer types and I could feel a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit in my whole body. At the time I had no idea what the whys and wherefores were to do with this tangency of the Holy Spirit that I was experiencing but I was very happy about it. Later on I discovered that a lump which I had in the mucosa region for the last few months (about 3 cm x 0.5 cm) began to bleed. I had not thought of receiving prayer for this and in fact already had an appointment to have it surgically removed. Within the next few weeks this lump started to disintegrate and it has now disappeared completely. The appointment for an operation is no longer necessary. Hallelujah!!! Kind regards,

Folge uns

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