Personal miracle reports

The back of an employee at McDonalds is healed

12. February 2021

After church one Sunday we went to McDonalds. While ordering I noticed the employee was moving very slowly with her hand on her back. I presumed she was in pain and asked her if she was. She said she had a slipped disc. I said, “Oh, that is not a problem. My God, Jesus, can heal you. He loves you lots  – may I pray for you?” She nodded yes with a surprised look on her face. I prayed a short prayer, emphasizing the Name of Jesus. A week later after church I was at McDonalds and met the same lady again. I noticed she was working and moving quite normally. I approached her and asked how she was feeling. She answered, “Oh, fine – it just hurts a little bit now.” I prayed that the pain would disappear completely and it did. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!
I told her about the goodness of Jesus and gave her a pamphlet on Glory Life Church which she opened and read immediately. At the same time her colleagues and boss also took a look. Thank you Jesus.

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