Miracle news

Miracle news January 2012

26. January 2012

A wealth of various miracles happened during the Miracle Weekend in January 2012:
Here only some of the highlights from first-hand reports:

– A lady had from birth a bad and twisted ankle. As a result her whole foot was skew and the related tendon was very weak which caused stabs of pain when she used her foot. In the church service the ankle, tendon and foot were completely restored so that she could hop and jump without pain!
After that others experienced similar healings.
– A man was completely healed from a painful shoulder joint which he’d had for 2½ years – as a result many others also experienced similar healings.
– A lady who had suffered for years from chronic back and knee problems was healed – as a result many others also experienced similar healings.
– A lady had opaque vision in one eye. After the laying on of hands this was healed.
– A lady with MS had not been able to walk for a long time as her hands and feet were numb. She started to take steps and could feel that feelings in her hands and feet were being restored. 

and much more….
– An elderly lady was in hospital with a pelvic fracture. Her husband, during the miracle church service in Deggendorf, gave Pastor Georg a card on which the symptoms were written. Pastor Georg put the card in his pocket for a few minutes and then gave it back to the man with the remark that it has now happened. On the very next day this lady was discharged from the hospital, a few days later could walk upstairs and a week later came to church again!
– Someone from our church laid hands on a colleague that had acute shoulder problems. When they saw one another again the colleague was happy and said that her shoulder was now completely normal and that she could now move without pain!
-The Holy Spirit also worked through this person in a restaurant: the owner was freed of a permanent headache as well as tenosynovitis, and a waiter was freed of backache.
-Someone from the church noticed that no one was drinking coffee at work in the breakroom. When she asked about it she was told that the coffee machine was broken. She said, “I’ve got healing hands” and laid her hands on the coffee machine and then asked “So, who would like some coffee?” Only one lady answered: “I believe you – please pour me a coffee.” In front of the dumbfounded colleagues she poured a cup of coffee – the machine was working!
In a similar way a faulty lift suddenly started to work properly.
– During the Miracle Weekend in November, another lady experienced that a cyst left her body completely. This was confirmed by a doctor.
-An elderly lady had a stiff back because of metal rods and she was also slumped. At the Miracle Weekend it was observed that during the laying on of hands her back stretched and her bending and moving ability improved enormously. In the meantime a doctor has measured her and assessed that she has in fact grown 5 cm. In addition, her bending and moving abilities remained improved and pain free. 
-Through a word of knowledge from God, Pastor Georg was made aware of a lady in the Miracle Service that had been diagnosed with a cyst in her abdomen. When he commanded the cyst to disappear the lady experienced the power of God. A few weeks later when the lady was examined the doctor was unable to find the cyst.

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