Miracle news

Miracle news 2011

24. December 2011

Miracle weekend of 17th/18th December 2011
And: The miracle working power of God multiplied in that many visitors experienced how the Holy Spirit healed the sick through them!
A few examples:
-A tumour on a lady’s thigh shrunk from the size of a baseball to the size of a ping-pong ball!
-A lady had been deaf in both ears for 3 years and after the laying on of hands experienced her ears opening – many other people experienced this same thing during the course of the evening!
-For weeks a lady had acute stomach ache and after the laying on of hands it just disappeared!
-After the laying on of hands a man who was completely blind in his right eye could see the 5 fingers of a held up hand.

Many other people also experienced the distinct improvement or complete healing of their vision.

-A young man had a completely deformed rib cage. The one side was too upfront whilst the other side was too far back. A few weeks ago during the healing service in Deggendorf both sides straightened and his rib cage was normal!
-According to a doctor a lady’s ears were unable to produce ear wax. After visiting a healing service she was again examined by the doctor who diagnosed that the production of ear wax was now normal. 
-As a result of an accident a lady suffered from epilepsy. A few weeks ago during a healing service in Deggendorf she was specifically called out during a miracle service through a word of knowledge. She received the power of God and since then hasn’t had an epileptic fit! She also had a toe that had been hurting her badly for 12%2knowledge, an amazing breakthrough in their financial situation. 

 – After prayer a lady experienced the disappearance of hazy vision which was like a veil before her eyes.
– A man in Stuttgart had a stiff, clenched finger, as well as stiff shoulder and elbow joints as a result of a stroke. After the power of God flowed into his arm his condition healed almost completely and he could move his arm again after not being able to for 15 years!
– A lady was healed from long-sightedness, deafness and her spine was also straightened!
– A man was no longer able to work because of acute spinal damage and it seemed that he would never be able to return to his profession. However, a while ago he came to a healing service for prayer. Since then a lot has changed – he is happily working again and his social circle and outlook has positively changed!

– During the Miracle Weekend people were healed and freed of many various complaints (e.g. from a badly operated hip, slipped discs, deafness, ear problems, bodily infections and all kinds of pain etc.)

Moreover many that were present there later experienced breakthroughs in different areas of their lives as a result of receiving a new dimension in authority, e.g. breakthroughs in financial matters, family matters, answers to prayer/encouragement for other people.
As a result of a spoken word from someone in our church a man was able to buy a house. Instead of having to pay 240000 € (which he didn’t have) he was able to buy it for only 135000 €!

The Miracle Weekend on the 15th and 16th October resulted in an explosion of all kinds of miracles!

All sorts of pain and restricted movement in the neck, shoulders, back, vertebral discs, spines, legs, knees, feet, toes, and hips were completely healed:
since then a man can walk independently without a stick again which he was unable to do for 4 years;
ears and hearing problems, tinnitus, scoliosis problems just disappeared; limbs of non-equal length grew to their correct length; 
through words o f knowledge people with sicknesses like diabetes, heart defects, cancer, chronic tiredness etc. received healing through the power of God. 
People with mental disorders were healed; and amazing breakthroughs in the material fields like in finances etc. were experienced! 
And we mustn’t forget that 11 people received the new life in Christ!
Further detailed reports will follow…
A lady who suffered from acute loss of hair and had bald patches on her head listened to a sermon over and over again from Pastor Georg in which he talks about God regenerating hair growth. This lady can now give witness that she no longer suffers from hair loss and that recently the bald patches have grown closed with lovely thick hair!
– A lady from Holland who had serious problems with her cervical vertebrae for 10 years, who had undergone 2 unsuccessful operations, had 2 artificial vertebral discs inserted and who had taken part in all sorts of therapies, was continually suffering acute pain and restricted movement in the neck, shoulder, arms, hands, face and head was healed and freed through the power of God in one second!

Highlights from the Miracle Church Service on 18.09.2011
-A man that had been in a wheelchair for years started to walk around for the first time all on his own during the service. 
-A lady who, as a result of a slipped disc, was in acute pain and unable to feel her foot, was pain free within seconds, and could feel her foot completely normally.

-Two people, both with hazy vision, were healed by the power of God. 

 -A man that had a discharging ear infection, earache and tinnitus for years was completely healed within a second!

-A lady who could only move with great difficulty because of acute back and slipped disc problems started to dance the waltz with great joy after the healing service. 
-A man’s leg was too long because the bones had incorrectly grown together. During the laying on of hands he could feel the power of God working on the place of fracture where the bones had grown-together and afterwards this leg was the same length as his other leg.
-A man was healed of acute pain caused by tennis elbow.
. . . .  and much more!


-A lady walked into the church service on crutches and with an injured thumb. She couldn’t move her thumb and it was continually painful. She left the service without crutches and with a pain free, normal thumb!

-For years a lady had hoped to fall pregnant. Because of a gynaecological problem, the doctors said she could never have children. She fell pregnant two weeks after she had been prayed for at our service in February. Now she is showing off with her “baby bump”.

In the Miracle Healing Service on 21.08.11
-People who had suffered pain for many years got healed. Others were spontaneously healed from restricted movement of their limbs, lameness, disc problems, bone problems, from having one leg shorter than the other, from debts etc. 
For example –
-After a call for someone with bones that hadn’t grown together correctly, a lady went to the front of the church assembly. The bones in her elbow were at fault – her bones hadn’t grown correctly together after an accident and as a result she couldn’t move her arm properly. Whilst she stood there one could hear bone grinding and she could feel the bones moving in her elbow. When the noise stopped she could move her elbow freely and her bones were back to normal!
-A 1 ½ cm gap closed in a girl’s shoulder joint. A doctor later confirmed that the gap was almost completely closed. 
-Someone reported that after hearing the sermon about “Download” that a demand for a back payment of €4000 disappeared into thin air after one telephone conversation …… etc.

More reports of perceivable spontaneous healings that occurred during the Miracle Healing Service on the 17.07.2011 were –
-Many people experienced being relieved of pain, and of being healed of restricted movement in their arms, legs, shoulders, neck and hips.
-Some people were set free and delivered from psychological problems, fear and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
-The eyes of a person improved because that person’s reading ability became noticeably better.
-A shortened tendon grew to its correct length (approx. 1.5 cm) …
and much more . . .

Witnesses from the Miracle Church Service on 19.06.2011
-Many people were healed on the spot from deafness, tinnitus and other ear problems. During the service these healings were tested and proved to be true.

-A lady who had permanent pain in all her joints from polyarthritis gave witness that she had become totally pain free!

-A lady who had almost become paraplegic as a result of problems with 3 intervertebral discs. She’d had an operation whereby 70% of the 3 discs had been removed. Unfortunately, the operation hadn’t been a success and she was in permanent pain, could hardly walk, had difficulty sitting and had to have another operation. This lady therefore, because of pain and discomfort, couldn’t wait for the service to end (it was her first time there). However, when hands were laid on her in the name of Jesus she realised in astonishment that all her symptoms had disappeared. The pressure had gone, the painful rubbing between discs as well as the pulling in her legs were not there anymore. That night she lay in bed and subconsciously waited to feel the usual pain (which previously gave her hell during the night) but it didn’t come. And there was no pain the next day or the day-after-next. In the meantime she can say without a doubt that God has healed her and set her free!

Reports from the Miracle Church Service on 17.07.2011
-A lady had had prolonged suffering as a result of an accident. Muscles in her upper arm had degenerated and it was just skin and bone, and she couldn’t lift it.
During the miracle service, due to the creative, supernatural power of God, muscle started to build in her arm.At the end of the service she proudly presented her new biceps! It was now also no problem for her to freely lift her arm!

-During the miracle service hair started to grow on bald patches on a lady who suffered from loss of hair. At the end of the service it was obvious that her hair growth had got thicker.

-A girl with bad eyesight had her eyes tested after the last Miracle Church Service. The result was that she now had 100 % good vision in the one eye and the restricted field of view in the other could no longer be detected!

-A lady in our church prayed for a man on the street who had a crooked finger. She met the man again 2 weeks later and he enthusiastically showed her that since she prayed his finger was now straight and completely normal!

– A lady had a torn anterior ligament in her knee which had been diagnosed and confirmed with a CT. Before having the operation she received prayer and laying on of hands in our church. When the surgeons opened the knee they were very surprised to find a healthy ligament. They said that it was as though there had never been a torn ligament at all!

– A man had a double hernia, one on each side. There was nothing that could be done for him medically except for protecting his body from further damage. However, he let his brother, who is in our church, lay hands on him. Later he could no longer feel the hernias and went to the doctor. The doctor couldn’t find any sign of them. He was completely healed and the doctor was amazed and said that this was a medical impossibility!

– A lady that had only been coming to our WORD+SPIRIT church for a short while had permanent pain in her whole body for the last 25 years. She’d had many slipped discs in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of her spine. During our healing service, in front of the whole congregation, she was completely healed by the laying on of hands. She is now full of joy and enjoying her “new life”!

– A lady had swollen lymph nodes behind her ear for several months which caused her continual earache. After the laying on of hands in our healing service the nodes shrunk and there was only one to be seen which was about dot size. The others had totally disappeared!

– For about a year a lady had suffered from an acute infection on her foot which got worse and worse. Her foot and leg were swollen and black and blue. As a result of continual pain she was unable to lead a normal life. She couldn’t go shopping, do her housework or drive her car. She met two people from our church on the street and they invited her to come to a healing service. She was prayed for and the swelling and infection on her foot started to go away and she was completely healed. She is now full of joy because of her new way of life.

– A lady in our church works in a home for the handicapped. One of the patients there received a negative diagnosis from the doctor. It was reported that he had cancer and wouldn’t live much longer. This lady just let God’s love and healing power flow from her hand into the patient. The man was taken to hospital and returned shortly after with the report that there was no cancer and therefore no danger to his life.
A while later this same patient was diagnosed with an allergy in that he was now only allowed to eat gluten-free food. The lady from church went to him and spoke into him that in the name of Jesus he can eat all foods. A few days later the doctor said it was a medical error and told him he that can again eat everything!

– A lady had since birth, as a result of a forceps delivery, a partially lame shoulder (plexus brachialis). She had continual pain and only had a limited use of her arm. After prayer during our healing service she could fully use her arm for the first time in her life, and was completely free of pain!

– For months a lady had continual eye infection in both eyes and, as a result, couldn’t see properly. During prayer in our healing service she suddenly saw a bright light in her eyes, and then she could see normally!

– A man suffered from double vision (Diplopia) – even though he was stock sober! After he was prayed for he could see normally.

– A 93 year old lady experienced God’s healing from acute deafness after the laying on of hands.

– Over the past few weeks, hundreds of people were healed from all sorts of back and hip problems.
Legs that were too short were healed, some with a length difference of up to 4 cm!
Some people were healed of acute pain within seconds.

– Many people have reported sudden, supernatural breakthroughs in their jobs. For instance, two people who had both been unsuccessful for years in finding a position as trainee suddenly, after prayer during their first visit to our church service, received top offers for trainee jobs.
Another person who had had little success in the marketing line experienced, after the first visit in our church, a huge increase of new orders!
Another person who had been job hunting for a year landed a job only a day after visiting our church service for the first time. The employer was even willing to pay him, of his own accord, more than usual because of his positive vibes.

– A lady was healed from a severe allergy to clothing material. She had great difficulty finding clothes that wouldn’t affect her. Before she was healed, the allergy caused heart, back and joint pains from which she is now completely healed!

– A man that was lamed in his left leg as a result of a severed nerve in his back was able to use his leg normally after prayer.

– A demon of pain was revealed when a Muslim lady in the street was confronted with God’s anointing – it choked her badly for about 15 minutes. As she made the decision to take on the life of God through Jesus Christ she became totally free. She was so full of joy and radiated so much new life that her accompanying Muslim colleagues immediately also made the decision to make Jesus their Lord.

– A young lady who had a big malignant lump under her breast was miraculously healed by God instantly as a result of the laying on of hands. The doctor later confirmed that she no longer had cancerous cells.

– An auditory nerve that had been damaged as a result of an accident was restored. In addition, many other people were healed from deafness.

– After the laying on of hands, a lopsided eye (as a result of an accident) became completely normal.

– Many broken bones that had incorrectly grown together were correctly aligned (e.g. crooked noses)!

– A 39 year old man had cancer of the lymph glands under his arm and in the area of his jaw. The pastor prayed for him after the Sunday service and later the doctor couldn’t find any malignant cells in his body. A wound that wouldn’t heal on the back of his head also disappeared, and bad neuropathic pain in the head and body was completely healed.

– A woman who was about to undergo knee surgery was healed after the laying on of hands. The surgeon sent her home because there was nothing wrong with her knee any more.

– A woman came to our church service in acute pain – one could see it on her face. She could only move with the help of a crutch. She was in Germany to get specialist medical attention. After prayer she left the church without the help of the crutch – she was pain free! Since then she is able to walk completely independently and has returned to Africa completely healed. Her daughter, who had suffered with migraines for years, was also healed during the same church service.

– A lady in our church prayed at work for an elderly client who was bent over with pain as a result of gastroenteritis. The power of God rushed into her and she became instantaneously pain free. She was so happy she started hopping around the office.
Etc., etc….

– Current spontaneous reports from the miracle church service on 17th April 2011

*A boy was healed from colour blindness

*A lady who suffered acute pain from a bad tooth was completely healed!

*A man who had suffered restriction of movement as a result of prolonged problems in the neck and shoulder regions was spontaneously healed completely!

*A lady with severe back problems, slipped disc and numbness in both legs (one of which was 2 cm shorter) = after prayer her legs were the same length, she had no pain and no numbness!

– During the Miracle Weekend, a young lady experienced her final breakthrough with regard to her finances. After months of being in minus she now had a massive increase in orders as well as other financial windfalls so that she had 5000 Euro plus on her bank account.

– Amazing reports are reaching us from the Revival and Miracle Weekend in Stuttgart end- February 2011 of healing and being set free which include healing from *deafness*accident trauma*shortsightedness*Scoliosis *slipped discs*all sorts of back problems *hip problems *stomach problems*depression*schizophrenia*all kinds of pain etc.!

– at the end of the church service a young lady was “dragged“ in who cried with every movement she made because of extreme pain. For 3 weeks she had been in bed – she couldn’t sit, stand or move in any way without pain. The doctor said that she had an acute case of a slipped disc and has to be operated on. However, a friend of hers brought her to our church service and told her “You’ll be healed there!” After the pastor laid his hand on her the pain left her immediately. She stood up and walked about. She was shocked that she had been touched by God and now she cried with joy! In the meantime the doctor has confirmed that an operation isn’t necessary and she is jumping and dancing again without problems!
– This same lady who was so encouraged because of her miracle asked that evening for prayer for her mother in Turkey who was seriously ill. She’d had acute gall bladder problems for some time and because of it couldn’t eat without experiencing pain. She also had a brain tumour that continually grew and according to the last brain scan it was 1.8 cm!
In the Spirit we sent the healing power to Turkey! The next day the freshly healed daughter telephoned her mother in Turkey to find out that her mother’s pain had gone at the time that we prayed for her. Since then she can eat normally without pain!
A few days later a new scan of the brain was carried out. The doctor was surprised and in amazement said, “The tumour has totally shrunk!”
The family is now overjoyed and the young lady has received the new Life in Jesus!

– Someone from our church prayed for his colleague who hadn’t been able to walk properly for some time because of acute pain in the foot. One of his legs was also shorter than the other.
After the prayer he was completely healed and he told everyone at work that this son of God had healed him. As a result another colleague came along who couldn’t move his hand properly and his hand was spontaneously healed in front of another colleague. Eventually the news of the “healing revival”

A lady had a hole in the eardrum which caused deafness. She also suffered from tinnitus. After the laying on of hands she could hear normally and the tinnitus was also gone!
-A lady was supposed to be operated on because she could only see dots and dashes. After the laying on of hands she could see completely normally!
-A person was limping badly because of knee problems and an injured ankle. After prayer there was no more pain and the person could walk normally again!
. . . and more and more miracles happened on this weekend – healing, deliverance from pain, freedom from restricted movement as well as personal deliverance so that joy and elation knew no limits!

– A 54 year old lady in the miracle service in Deggendorf was practically totally blind in one eye since her birth (could only see light and dark). With her good eye she had blurry vision. After Pastor Georg laid hands on her she could see perfectly out of her “good” eye. With the other once practically blind eye she could see correctly from a few meters away how many fingers the pastor was showing on his hand. She screamed with joy and exaltation!
 – A lady had a permanently dislocated shoulder and for years was unable to lift her arm. Pastor Georg spoke a new shoulder joint into existence and to her amazement she could immediately move her arm properly without any pain. Not only that – she was also healed within a second from postoperative pain and discomfort in the chest and colon.
 – A lot people with stiff shoulder joints (some had had this condition for many years) could, within a second, move their shoulders normally. Others were spontaneously healed from knee injuries, groin, face, throat, back problems etc. And someone also experienced, through a word of which had also attacked 50 % of his liver. He was prayed for and 4 weeks later he gave us the latest diagnosis: cancer can no longer be detected in the colon; the cancer attack of the liver had been reduced from 50% to 10%, and the tumour marker was reduced from 65 to 6 – which is a lot! The man had prayer during this particular service so that the remaining 10% also disappears!

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