Personal miracle reports

Pain in the back and shoulder disappears

12. February 2021

Dear Pastor Georg,

On 12 August 2018 I was in the church service with you in Hamburg.
You spoke about whether we want people to be healed in our shadow.For fun I kept in your shadow and later discovered a miracle.
For a long time I kept getting recurring pain in my back and shoulder. I often used heat plasters and painkillers.
I followed you by staying in your shadow and now the pain in my shoulder is completely gone.I am very thankful to God that he performed a miracle when I was having fun.
In the same service during praise and worship I was so overwhelmed with His love that I had to cry but didn’t know why.
Two girls went forward in response to the altar call and I then knew that it was the Father’s love for these girls that had made me weep.
In the plane going home I suddenly heard Irina and Valerie singing as though it was live. It was so clear – I could even hear the instruments. And then I heard you also singing with them – it was the song “By His wounds…” It was awesome!
Best regards,

Folge uns

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