Personal miracle reports

Muslim woman receives healing of her fingers

5. February 2021

At water aerobics on Friday, I heard that an obviously Muslim lady had injured her finger in a bicycle accident. I asked if I could take her finger in my hand, and the finger was healed without my praying for it. I told her about Jesus and she got tears in her eyes. She showed me another finger that had also been injured and looked a bit crooked. This was also immediately healed. After showering I prayed for her back and her neck. She began to cry and said she had been completely healed from the consequences of her divorce in December. She gave me her fax number so I could send her a prayer every morning.

Praise the Lord!

A client came yesterday to have her dress repaired which had apparently been damaged by another seamstress. When I was pinning the dress on her, I noticed her shoulder blades were different. I was allowed to pray for her and God straightened her back. Her husband was so surprised that he also asked for prayer for his back which was also immediately healed.

Praise God!


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