Miracle news

Miracle news October 2012

31. October 2012

A wealth of supernatural healings and deliverances took place at the Miracle Weekend in Stuttgart on the 20th-21st October 2012. Besides the “usual” miracles and healings, especially outstanding was that on Saturday night people experienced a loss of weight within seconds. One lady had weighed herself before going to the service and she later determined that she had lost 7 kg!
*Someone testified that after the pastor spoke out the setting free of weight loss she had to hold her trousers up otherwise they would’ve fallen down. When she weighed herself later she found that she had lost 7 kg! A couple of days later at the next service she said she’d lost even more so that she eventually lost 9 kg!
*Another lady told us that after the Saturday night service she is now able to wear skirts and trousers that haven’t fitted her for ages! The spare tyres she had around her stomach disappeared and her tum muscles tightened so that it seemed she had been training for a whole year! She also lost the fear of getting really fat and received freedom as far as her weight was concerned and also the supernatural appetite for the right food. 
*A third lady testified that when she looked at herself in the mirror after the service she noticed that two fat rolls had disappeared from her middle! She also told us that according to the body fat meter her body fat percentage had dropped by 2 points. She also felt a deep change in her with regard to her eating habits and she now eats differently!


-During the last Miracle Weekend in September a lady who had suffered for years from eczema in both ears was healed. In addition, whilst listening to a sermon from Pastor Georg, her bad hearing improved and painful arthritic rheumatism and diabetes just disappeared!


-For some time a lady was completely blind in her right eye. In August she came to the miracle service in Stuttgart and Pastor Georg laid hands on her. After a few days her eye was completely restored so that now both her eyes were in perfect order!

-Over the past weeks there has been an exceptional increase in the supernatural healing power of God, with miracles happening of special note and the amount of people that have been healed has accumulated! 
*During the last service in Deggendorf and in Linz at least a half-a-dozen deaf or partially deaf ears immediately opened. Some of them experienced being able to hear better after hearing a “plop” in their ears.
On the day after, an elderly lady from Linz came to Pastor Georg and told him that she now hears everything so loud that she has to get used to it!
Another lady’s auditory canal was supernaturally expanded so that a planned operation for this was no longer necessary. She hears perfectly!
And another lady who had a hole in her eardrum reported that she can now distinguish between all the various noises, and understand them! 
A man with only 30% hearing ability experienced how God doubled his hearing capacity! Etc . . .


*A man in Linz had a lame left arm as a result of a stroke. Just because he was there in the hall with the glory of God around him he could suddenly use his arm. With enthusiasm he demonstrated what God had done by moving his arm around and up and down.


*In Linz a lady’s elbow had been screwed together with many metal pieces. As a result her arm movement was disabled, e.g. she couldn’t wash her face. Whilst Pastor Georg laid hands on her one could hear a humming coming from her elbow. Afterwards, in tears, the lady demonstrated that she was now able to wash her face again!


*For 11 years a lady could only walk with pain because she had a 23 cm long nail in her right lower leg. A few weeks ago she was touched by the Holy Spirit in Deggendorf. Since then she is able to walk normally. When she went for an X-ray the doctor couldn’t believe what he saw. The nail had started to dissolve! The doctor said he had never seen something like this before and that it’s as though a mouse had nibbled at it making it smaller and smaller!
*Also with the lady with a metal piece in her wrist (see below). The doctor was astonished when he examined it and saw that there was only like a shadow to be seen on the x-ray. She is able to move her wrist normally now!


*Many people were healed from various sight disorders or experienced noticeable improvements. 
For example, a lady in Linz perceived light fourfold. As the anointing began to work her fourfold vision disappeared immediately!
A man in Deggendorf experienced healing from far sightedness. Another experienced being healed of foggy vision – and much more . . .

*A lady who was prayed for a few months ago gave witness that she is fully healed from cancer!

*Not to mention all the healings from arthritis, slipped discs and spine problems, movement disabilities, pain and all sorts of illnesses which were healed through either words of knowledge, the glory of God, or the laying on of hands!

-As a result of an operation a lady had a nail in her leg and therefore couldn’t walk without pain in her calve. Since the miracle church service beginning September in Deggendorf she is now walking completely without pain!

-A lady was listening to a healing message from Pastor Georg. When he said “Arthrosis will leave the knee now” it hit her like lightening and in a second the arthrosis left her knee and she was freed of pain!

-A lady had a medium size oval red mark on her body which wouldn’t go away. In the miracle service in Deggendorf Pastor Georg said through the Spirit that a skin problem will be healed. A few days later this lady had the impulse to take a look at the mark and it was gone!
-Many, many people were healed through the manifestation of the glory of God during the miracle weekend in Stuttgart of all manner of infirmities and pain. At least a dozen people received the new life in Christ! The words of knowledge received by Pastor Georg to do with various people and sicknesses were so precise that the people present were astonished. In addition this supernatural ability was transmitted to people present, and as a result outsiders were also healed through the same power of God and set free by these sons of God . . . 

-Because of knee, hip and leg problems a lady had walked with crutches for the last 2 ½ years. During the miracle service in Stuttgart these problems left her, she was pain free and could walk without aid. She said she was going to get rid of those crutches!
Her husband and daughter also experienced instant healing. They were set free from pain in various parts of their bodies.

-A lady had suffered 40 years with a continual headache. Since her visit to the Stuttgart miracle service in July she has had no more pain.

-On the 5th September in Deggendorf we experienced a new dimension of God’s creative miracle power!
During the church service the healing power exploded tremendously and as a result 30 people gave witness that they were spontaneously healed from physical problems, pain, movement disabilities etc. 

*A miracle that really stood out was that of a lady with a metal piece in her wrist which was inserted in order to hold her bones together. As a result she had a stiff wrist and it was continually painful. You could actually feel the metal plate under her skin. When hands were laid on her during the service the metal piece literally evaporated and through the power and glory of God it disappeared! You could no longer feel it under her skin! The lady was able to move her wrist normally and she no longer had pain there. God restored her wrist to its original state!

-In Linz the miracle working power of God also exploded into an atmosphere of strong faith and love. Dozens of people were set free from pain, movement disability and illnesses. Approximately 15 of them received the new life through Jesus Christ!
*A man could hardly walk because of two slipped discs in the lumbar region. During the church service he was set completely free from these diffi¬culties and ran and jumped around!
Many other people experienced similar miracles.

*A valve was missing in a young lady’s heart and she therefore had oxygen-depleted blood. Because of this she turned blue at every exertion. After the laying on of hands she was able to run about without any impairment. In addition she was healed in her one eye of acute vision impairment.
*A lady had suffered for 30 years from a broken coccyx. During the service she could feel it healing. The following day she went on a bike tour and noticed that she was completely healed!
*Many people were healed from deafness and tinnitus.
*A lady with rheumatoid arthritis had continual pain in her shoulders and fingers. Since she attended the church service in Linz all this pain has completely disappeared!

 -A mighty pouring out of miracles took place during the church service in Langenfeld, North Rhine-Westphalia. Pains and aches, and movement disabilities disappeared after words of knowledge and the laying on of hands. Ears and eyes were healed and many were filled by the Holy Spirit!*A lady had a cataract in the right eye and was going to be operated on. After the laying on of hands the cataract disappeared and she could see clearly with both eyes again! She also experienced being set free of pain in her shoulders and hands.*A man experienced being set free of pain in his jaw which was caused by a dead tooth. *A lady was deaf in one ear, couldn’t understand speech and couldn’t discern noises. After the laying on of hands she could hear clearly!*Even though a lady had physiotherapy she still couldn’t move her arm properly from her shoulder down. After prayer she was once again able to move her arm and touch her back without experiencing And lots more . . . .  

-A man had an open leg. During the Miracle Service hands were laid on him and he immediately felt tingling in his leg. Within a few days the open wound had closed and fresh new skin covered it. His doctor was amazed!

-A married couple lived separate lives and were about to get divorced. However, a few weeks ago, as a result of a personal contact with Pastor Irina Karl per email, a sudden supernatural wave of love met each of them. Within hours everything revolved around their marriage. Since then they are discovering Godly love like never before and as a family are experiencing going from glory to glory!
-A lady suffered for 35 years from insomnia and restless legs. Since hands were laid on her during the Healing Service in Stuttgart she has been healed and since sleeps like a baby! 
-Many mighty miracles happened again in Deggendorf on the 1st of August! 
All kinds of pain and movement disabilities were healed as well as visual disabilities and deafness. Words of knowledge flowed, all kinds of illnesses and ailments were healed and many people received the new life in Jesus Christ!
*a lady experienced the healing of a long broken shoulder. She was as a result able to move without pain without disablement.
*a man was healed of a calcaneal spur
*a lady experienced how God healed her of restricted vision
*many people were healed of slipped discs and as a result were pain-free
* a lady experienced the restoration of torn ligaments
*a lady has since experienced the increase of hair growth on her head
etc. ….

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