Personal miracle reports

Lady’s ankle healed in the elevator

17. February 2021

Dear All,
This morning I had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit.
I had parked in a car park and was going up with the elevator. I suddenly thought I hadn’t locked my car and went down again. I was with 2 ladies and noticed the one limped.I asked her about it and she said she had sprained her ankle and had a splint.I asked if I could set healing power free – she was immediately open and thankful for this:
In the Name of Jesus I commanded the pain in her foot to leave and spoke the divine order of God into her foot. Afterwards I let her try walking and the pain was gone.
Hallelujah! And her friend said, “Amen!”. Both ladies continued joyously on their way.
Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for the healing and encounter.

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