Personal miracle reports

Jesus, our lawyer in relation to finances

12. February 2021

Dear Pastor Georg,
A while ago, without my knowledge, my financial adviser exchanged my investments for other investments. As a result I lost a lot of money.
After my financial adviser signed a Statement of Compensation in my favor with payment arrangements he suddenly discontinued repaying the installments.
Pastor Georg then prayed with me about these finances – laid hands over the entire correspondence and released the balance owing, plus interest, in the name of Jesus. Pastor Georg received a word of knowledge – he saw a hammer; that a court hearing would take place and justice would be awarded to me, and set the power of God free for this. I received it all in the spirit.
At the court hearing in March, the judge said the situation was very clear and I was 100% in the right. The opponent and his lawyer did not appear for this court date.
Jesus has the victory! Everything that the enemy robs he has to repay. I now have the complete sum with interest. The fees for the lawyer and court costs were also covered. Thank you Jesus – you are the best lawyer! Thank you that through you I have everything the enemy robbed me of again, and more.
Best regards,

Folge uns

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