Personal miracle reports

Inflammation in the leg decreases, people are saved by Glory House home group participants

5. February 2021

In the last Glory House home group we prayed together for a 60 year old man that had recently given his life to Jesus. He suffered with an acute inflammation in his leg which was spreading despite having had his foot amputated and, as a result, had to be in a wheelchair. 

A few days after having prayed for him the infection decreased so that he was once again able to walk on crutches. His soul has entered into the divine order of God – he radiates joy, he knows God is healing him and he is thankful for this. Today he tried to walk without crutches. Halleluljah! Thank you Jesus!

A few weeks ago when I was praying for David, God showed me the entrance to a supermarket. The Holy Spirit told us to drive there. On arriving, I saw an elderly lady at the entrance with a walker. The Holy Spirit directed me to speak with her. I greeted her and asked her how she was. She answered, “I wait everyday for the Lord to fetch me but he doesn’t.” I then asked her for her age and if she was prepared for heaven. After explaining the things she needs to know, we prayed the salvation prayer together. Suddenly the surroundings became quiet and peaceful, the Holy Spirit touched her and she took her specs off and cried. In the Spirit I saw angels and saw the home prepared for her in heaven. She was suddenly filled with joy and began quoting Psalms she had never been able to understand before.

Thank you dear Holy Spirit!

We have noticed that the gift of evangelisation is becoming more active. We hear more testimonies from our home group participants – people are saved at working places, shopping centers and in hospitals.

Thank you Jesus


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