Personal miracle reports

Healed from nasopharyngeal cancer

10. February 2021
On 25 November 2018 I arrived in hospital with a stroke, my heart beating abnormally and with water retention in my whole body. An MRI scan revealed that there was a tissue in the sinuses that did not look good. They took a sample of it which showed that it was cancer. The doctors advised me to have chemotherapy but I said I wanted some time to think about it. During this time I spoke to God. To begin with He said, “You have nothing to lose, you can only win”. I was not satisfied with these words and asked Milada and Pastor Georg to pray for me. That night I had a dream. I looked down from the ceiling and saw a table with two people and a figure that said, “Hello, trust me and no one else!” I asked God, “Who are these people?” He said, “You are the one person, the other is your doctor and I am the one who said trust me.”
I was very touched by this dream and phoned Milada to tell her. She was also moved as to how God had answered me. I asked Milada, “Will you believe with me?” She immediately answered with a yes. From this day on I knew 100% that I did not need chemo. I put all my trust, like once before, in my God.
The following day I had an appointment and told the doctors that I have decided again chemo. They were shocked and tried to persuade me to change my mind. I kept to my decision – no chemo. 
During the church service two weeks ago, Pastor Georg told us to pray for one another because God has equipped us all with this authority. Milada prayed for me. During this prayer I felt a strong power and I could suddenly breathe well through my nose. 
The following day I made an appointment with my ENT specialist. He did a sonogram and said he can no longer find anything that points to cancer. He referred me to the hospital to have an MRI. This was done that same day (which is also a miracle). They couldn’t find anything. All honor to our God! I have always claimed the verse “By the stripes of Jesus I am healed”!
I am so happy to have you all as my spiritual family. Thank you for all the encouraging conversations, and especially for all the prayers. I want to encourage you all to always proclaim that you are healed.
Hallelujah and Amen.
Folge uns

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