Personal miracle reports

Healed from irregular heartbeat and poor circulation of the blood. Foot supernaturally healed while listening to a Glory Life School CD

12. February 2021

While taking a walk over Easter I fell and grazed my nose. I also sprained my left ankle which became so painfulthat I went to the doctor. 

The reason I fell was because of poor circulation which had recently become a problem. Marion (from the Healing Team) took my pulse ascertaining irregular heartbeat. She prayed for my heart and circulatory system. Since then my heart beats regularly and I no longer have poor circulation.
Marion also prayed for the abrasion on my nose which healed really quick and well.
However, the pain in my ankle got worse despite strong pain killers. The medication no longer helped and I was about to go to the hospital. I then listened to the CD on meditation for healing by Pastor Irina. Suddenly the pain in my foot was gone and my soul was filled with supernatural peace.I have never experienced anything like it and became aware that besides prayer the living, powerful Word of God also heals. Meditating on the Word releases healing power for everything.
Best regards, M.D.

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