Personal miracle reports

Healed from heart problems and delivered from shingles

9. May 2021

Dear Georg,
I wish to let you know about two healings that I’ve received in connection with Glory Life. At the end of January when David Herzog was at your church I was healed of heart problems which I’d had for approx. 9 months (racing heart, sporadic pain and frequent feeling of pressure). What impressed me more than ever was the glorious presence of the Lord – I’d never felt it so strong before.
At the beginning of March I had acute pain in the right breast (luckily not the left one!) When a rash also appeared I went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed shingles which meant another 14 days of pain. I refused to accept the normal progression of this sickness and awaited help from my heavenly Father. A week later, whilst driving, I was listening to the sermon “The pouring out of new wine”. Towards the end I received from you, Dr. Georg Karl, a spiritual diagnosis for my situation, “The devil first robs your joy and then occupies you with thoughts as to why you’ve lost your joy.” The therapy was so easy “Fill yourself with new wine and be joyful at all times for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The following day the pain was gone and I didn’t need any more tablets! The shingles had stopped through the joy in the Lord!
Thank you so much for the new wine and blessing that flows from you and your congregation!
Best regards,

Folge uns

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