Personal miracle reports

Healed from heart problems and asthma

19. February 2021

Hello my Dears at Glory Life Zentrum in Filderstadt,
My husband I took part in the Pentecost Conference in May 2016. After the Sunday service with Pastor Georg I went up for prayer. 
For the last 4 years I’ve suffered, especially with exertion, acute heart problems with pain radiating down my left arm, as well as related breathing problems.
On Monday morning I woke up with the word “jogging”. I was very surprised because I so often have problems just with walking and climbing stairs. 
I thought, “Okay, if that’s God then I’ll be obedient.” I went to the forest to jog and indeed my breathing problems and pain were gone. 
Thank you Jesus – all glory to you!!! 
Greetings to all of you and I thank you for your wonderful ministry. I.B.

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