Personal miracle reports

God’s guidance when buying a car

12. February 2021

We are enjoying our nice new car and are very thankful (see testimony from last year). Nevertheless, we’ve noticed that one car just isn’t enough. My son and I drove all over the place looking for a used car. Eventually my son said to me, “Dad, this searching is getting on my nerves and I don’t want to anymore. Somehow I think God will show us which car we should buy…” The phone rang and it was one of the people we had contacted about a car (a private sale). He lived fairly close to us so we went around to take a look. We immediately had a good feeling and my son said, “If this is really the car then someone needs to tell me that there is no ´God.” We bought the car for much less than we thought we would spend. When we got home my wife had in the meantime been visited by a friend of hers. She had given her an envelope and said that God had shown her that she should give us the enclosed sum of money. It was thousands of Euros. We were already happy about buying the car and now this. Today I rejoiced like never before.

God makes it easy for me to be happy. But it was more precious that we as a family thanked God and prayed together. We also asked Him what He had planned for us with the money. The thought came to me that I had previously asked God to make it possible for us to visit missionaries over Christmas. This really blew me away! Last year I never had a clue how we would manage let alone buy a car and this year God has blessed us abundantly. I believe He longs to open the windows of heaven to gladly pour down His blessings on us, and these financial blessings are only intended to give us an idea of what He still has in store for us. Draw on this my dears – there is enough for all. . .


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