Personal miracle reports

God answered me with new sense of smell

30. November 2022

Hello my dear brothers and sisters,  

I have such a beautiful testimony for you that I would like to share with you.
In November 2021, my husband and I were very overwhelmed by Covid As a result, my sense of smell was very much affected and since that time I have only smelled everything sweet. As I do every week, I brought fresh roses to my prayer room to give all glory to the Lord. On Saturday I decided on a bouquet of yellow roses and prepared them in the kitchen for my flower vase. As I walked up the stairs, I said aloud, “O Lord, I hope these flowers please you, for all honor is due to you.” As one does, I smelled the roses and could detect their fragrance all at once.
This was His answer to me, “Yes, my child, they please me.” – Hallelujah, God is as good as He shows Himself to us. Love and God’s blessings, I.H. 

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