Personal miracle reports

Different sized feet become the same size and new arches form on both feet

19. February 2021

Dear George, Irina & Glory Life Team,
I experienced a miracle on my feet on Thursday at the School of Supernatural Life.
I had two different sized feet and therefore had big problems when buying shoes. My left foot took a size 7 shoe and the right 36.
Pastor George asked me whether we should pray for growth or shrinkage. I said I would like the bigger foot to get smaller.
During the prayer from Pastor George I could feel the power of God. After Pastor George had prayed for me both my feet had size 6.
That is a big miracle and I enjoy looking at my same size feet and am happy about receiving this miracle. Thank you Jesus.
Drea prayed that I receive new arches on both my feet. I also experienced a miracle with this – I now have new arches on both feet.
Thank you and best regards,


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