Check-out girl healed from backache

Hi Pastors Irina and Georg, I have a great testimony. While standing in the queue at the supermarket I overheard that the check-out girl was in acute pain because of a slipped disc. She tried to stand up but the pain stopped her. When I was paying I briefly told her...

Vocal cords are loosened – lumps dissolve

Dear Glory Life Family, A week ago on Sunday a lady from the Healing Team prayed for my throat. Before prayer there was a tension on my vocal cords– I had a huge “frog in my throat” and I could feel lumps there – I could only speak hoarsely. Since prayer I have...

Pain in the back and shoulder disappears

Dear Pastor Georg, On 12 August 2018 I was in the church service with you in Hamburg. You spoke about whether we want people to be healed in our shadow.For fun I kept in your shadow and later discovered a miracle. For a long time I kept getting recurring pain in my...

Traineeship inclusive future prospects

I have to really give Jesus full honor!!! It is so wonderful and I am still enthusiastic as to how he leads through the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of this year I am training for a commercial qualification and during this time have to do a training internship in...